Sunseeker Manahattan 56

Technische Daten
Liegeplatz  Malta
Baujahr 2002
Länge 17.07 m
feste Schlafplätze 6 - 6
Kabinen 3
Sunseeker Manahattan 56 Sunseeker Manahattan 56 Sunseeker Manahattan 56 Sunseeker Manahattan 56 Sunseeker Manahattan 56 Sunseeker Manahattan 56
Sunseeker Manahattan 56

Price includes fuel up to 30NM. Additional fuel costs at Euro250/hr VAT NOT INCLUDED
Extra hour on board
Upon Request
Extra Fuel charges
Depending on Motor Yacht
Food / Drinks
Upon Request

Day Charter Schedule
Start of charter period for day charter is 9.00am (or later time to be agreed by guests), charter will finish at 6.00pm, unless other time is agreed beforehand.

What's included - Day Charter
Skipper, Fuel from yacht marina to the island of Comino and back, dinghy with outboard and full yacht/guest insurance.e.

What's not included - Day Charter
Not included is food, personal travel insurance (recommended) or any other charges you may incur during the charter whilst away from your provided marina berth.

Payment Terms
50% for provisionary booking of yacht. For day charter, yacht cannot be confirmed until 7 days prior to day charter commencement. Balance of charter cost to be received upon confirmation of booking (7 days prior to charter). Payments can be made via bank transfer or cash.

Nautica Ltd.
21 Msida Road

Tel.: +356 21345138/9
Fax.: +356 21343821